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"Helping moms with busy minds connect to their kids" 

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Written and Illustrated By Brandi Mae


About the Author

Brandi Mae

Hi Sweet Friend!


My name is Brandi and I want to thank you so much for visiting my site and entering my little world of Bizzy Bumblebee.


I wrote Bizzy from a part of myself that I’d lost long ago.

I had unknowingly left my small self behind and replaced her with “busyness".

I’ve always been a highly sensitive person and for as long as I can remember I’ve

had a busy mind. Even now, each day it takes me continual conscious effort to

stay grounded inside of my body.


Many of my books (more on the way) express little parts of myself that

have struggled to feel safe in an overstimulating world.

Having such a busy mind has caused me to have a busy body which has made it

very difficult for me to be present in my life and because of that I’ve had trouble

connecting to people, including my children.


I’ve never had the words to explain what I was going through until Bizzy, she

gave me context to explore my nature rather than continuing to judge myself.

From there, I’ve learned how to help myself feel safe, rather than fighting myself

to “be normal”. 


These books have given me a doorway into healing that I’d never expected.

I became open to learning about myself, which has helped me calm down and

connect to my body. Now I can connect to others, including my children and because I feel secure, they feel secure. I feel safe enough to play and

explore with them which has deepened our bond immensely.

I hope that Bizzy and our other books, will inspire you to listen kindly and

gently to your little self, so that you can calm your “Bizzy” mind to learn what your

needs are so that you can meet them and your little ones with love.

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Download Fun Coloring Pages

Bee still and connect with your kiddos with these sweet coloring downloads... click the crayons!

Car time is a great opportunity to talk about big feelings & fears and Freddy helps us get there! 


"just wanted you to know this is his current
favorite book for like a week straight now. It's the only one he picks!
actually, The more and more I read it
I find that I have more courage in making decisions in my business!!!"
~Marisa Franchise owner of "teaching totes"
educational totes that
           teach children through play~

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"I loved Bizzy because it's good, I loved it momma, Bizzy says bee yourself!"  - Odin age 4

Fearful Freddy Froggy is such a sweet book with a valuable message. Children will delight in the adorable illustrations and cute rhyming verse. More important, they will learn that facing their fears and doing things afraid instead of avoiding them not only makes for a more fun and fulfilling life, but it also helps them conquer their fears. Even adults can benefit from this book’s message. I highly recommend Fearful Freddy Froggy not only as entertainment, but also as effective bibliotherapy for your child

                      —Sandra E. Duclos, Ph.D.

                                         Clinical Psychologist

Bee sure to visit
Mom's Cozy Corner Blog! 

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News and Events

A big thank you to
White Birch Community center for allowing us to help your pre-k kiddos prepare for Kindergarten with our very special reading of "Fearful Freddy Froggy". We believe in you White Birch Friends!!

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Bee Gentle for Women

New Upcoming Course...
Will be teaching women to be kind to themselves by reawakening, nurturing and protecting their childlike spirit. From this place, we develop a strong and trustworthy intuition. We know how to follow our hearts and can are able to connect more deeply to others.

Who is this course for...

* Overachievers

* Anxious and uncertain

* Fear of change

* People Pleasing

* Tend to isolate

* Struggle with connecting to others and yourself

* A codependent nature and fear of abandonment

* Feeling of unworthiness or unloveable 

* Hard on yourself  

*Never feel complete and more... 


One to One Guidance will be available. 

Click the button below for  complimentary  journal prompts to help you to become more present with yourself and others. 

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